Dairy/Beef Miscellaneous Solutions

Mattress and Flooring
Pro Mat is dedicated to providing mattress and flooring solutions that offer the utmost in comfort while improving overall animal health. A holistic approach combines correct stall dimensions with superior stall mattresses and bedding to ensure an optimal cow comfort experience.

Stall Loops
Artex to offers a comprehensive line of stabling products that are designed with cow comfort, farm productivity, and ease of management in mind.

Your cows will eat more and produce more milk when they’re able to move easily and comfortably. J&D Manufacturing’s lineup of panels and headlocks are super easy to install and fully adjustable to grow with your herd.

We offer livestock gating from Sioux Steel. They are the only company in our industry to offer a lifetime warranty on their gates. With heavy-duty Z-bar vertical braces, Victory gates are the heaviest and most durable line. Rounded tops and prairie gold powder coating make this one of our most popular livestock products.

We supply a variety of livestock water systems by Miraco. Livestock are guaranteed a year round supply of cool, fresh, clean and efficient water supply. An essential component in achieving optimum livestock management growth rates.