Gating Solutions
Steel Gating
We offer custom length Nursery (28″ high), Wean to Finish (32″, 34″, or 36″ high), and Breed (42″ high) gating for new construction or retrofit/remodel applications. All gates are constructed with solid rods that pass through the vertical end and mid straps so there are no butt welds to break loose. All gating can be powder coated, galvanized, or left unfinished.
Stainless Steel Gating
We supply stainless steel gating for remodel applications or complete packages for new construction. The stainless gating can also be used just for places where waters are mounted, where steel gating is prone to rust.
Penning Solutions
Farrowing and Gestation Penning
Lange Ag Systems is a distributor of farrowing and gestation penning. Farrowing penning is designed to provide the room for the sow to give birth, and also provide the room for her litter during farrowing and nursing while ensuring that the piglets survive. Gestation penning keeps sows separated, prevent fighting, reduce sow abortion loss and injury, and enable you to have better record keeping of your sows.
*We also have other farrowing and gestation options. Please contact us for more information.
Planking Solutions
PVC Planking
PVC plank can be easily adapted to replace conventional building materials in a variety of livestock confinement applications including wall panels, confinement fencing, actuated ventilation applications and inner dividers.